What is the Purpose of an Astrology Reading?

Astrology reading is the study of the correlation between celestial bodies and a person's energy. Using your natal chart, a professional can offer interpretations about your personality and future.

A natal chart weights signs by their elements and qualities. For example, if the cardinal signs (Aries, Cancer, Libra and Capricorn) dominate a chart, a person may be bold and decisive.

What is the purpose of astrology readings?

Astrology is the ancient science of interpreting the movements and positions of stars, planets and other celestial bodies, and how they relate to human affairs. It is also a way of anticipating the future, and it can provide helpful insights to make choices and guide one’s life path. In addition to being a useful tool for guidance, astrology can also help to understand one’s basic personality traits and how to interact with others in a positive way.

An astrological birth chart is an image of the solar system at the moment of a person’s birth. It shows the exact position of the planets and other celestial bodies in relation to the Earth, with a house system based on the signs of the zodiac and fixed stars. It also includes the lunar nodes, cusps of houses including the ascendant and midheaven, and angular relationships between planets called aspects. The more exact an aspect the greater its influence. The astrologer may also use other factors in the reading such as the ascendant, sun and moon signs, the angles between them and their natal rulerships.

The earliest known astrology reading was the Enuma Anu Enlil or the Babylonian star catalogue of 1600 B.C. Other early astrology books include the Apotelesmatika by Ptolemy, a Greek astronomer of the 2nd century b.c; the On Signs by Hephaestion of Thebes, a Greco-Egyptian astrologer of the 5th century; and the Christian Priscillianist astrology book, The Stars Were Their Names by John Lydus, an ascetic of the 4th century b.c.

While astrology has a long tradition and many believers, the scientific community regards it as unfounded. Astrology is a pseudoscience, not an actual map of the heavens, as it was developed by a culture that believed the Sun rotated around the Earth instead of the other way around. Astronomical discoveries since Copernicus have weakened the foundations of astrology.

A major tenet of astrology is the concept of the zodiac, a group of 12 star signs that are associated with various personality traits and corresponding colors and animals. Each sign has its own unique set of qualities and themes that combine to create a person’s individuality. Aside from these traits, astrologers may also use the planets and their placements in a person’s birth chart to help predict certain events. An example is using Venus in Gemini to indicate someone who is talkative and prone to flirting. However, a recent double-blind study found that the zodiac signs are not reliable to determine personality traits beyond random assignment.

How do astrology readings work?

Astrology is a type of divination that involves the study of the positions and movements of celestial bodies. During a reading, an astrologer will use their knowledge of these movements to create and interpret an astrological chart or map of the heavens at the time of a person’s birth. This chart is then used to identify personality traits, such as their strengths and weaknesses, and predict future events.

One of the most common types of astrology readings is a birth chart analysis. This will reveal the precise position of the planets in the sky at the time of your birth, and can provide insight into your personality (for better or worse), your strengths and talents, and your relationships with other people.

An astrologer will also be able to provide you with information about the potential timing of specific events, such as your career and love life. If you’re in a relationship, an astrologer can help you understand the dynamics of your partnership and help you make decisions that are best for you and your partner.

More advanced astrologers can also use the information from your birth chart to provide you with spiritual guidance and advice. These readings are sometimes called soul readings, and they can be used to help you find meaning in the events that happen in your life. An astrologer can also look at your chart to see what themes are present, and help you find the reason why you incarnated into this particular lifetime.

One thing to remember is that astrology doesn’t necessarily predict what will happen in your life, only when it will occur. It’s important to keep in mind that while the zodiac signs may have certain common traits, each person is unique and should be treated as such. Astrology can also be helpful in understanding your own motivations, which can be a great tool for self-improvement. So, if you’re interested in learning more about your natal chart, or are just curious about how the stars can affect your life, schedule an astrology reading today! We’ve made it easy by connecting you with trusted and experienced astrologers. To get started, simply use our exclusive Find a Psychic tool and answer a few simple questions about what you’re looking for from your session.

What can I expect from a astrology reading?

Astrology can help you to get up close and personal with yourself, a practice that many people find helpful for clearing out the clutter of their mind and getting clear on what their core values are. It can also help you to identify and understand those old patterns that keep resurfacing in your life so that you can break free of them.

In a typical astrology reading, the astrologer will use the constellations that were present in the sky at the moment of your birth to offer insight into your personality and how you connect with others. The astrologer may also suggest ways to balance out any natural tendencies you have for self-sabotage and how to make the most of the positive characteristics associated with your natal chart signs.

The most common type of astrology reading is a natal chart read, which takes into account all of the planets that were in motion when you were born. It is important that you have your full birth date, including the time of day, so that the astrologer can calculate your ascendant sign. Your rising sign is a key indicator of what you project to the world and how you communicate your unique energy.

You may also hear astrologers reference your moon and sun signs, which are a reflection of the internal energy you have as you navigate through life. Your moon sign is what motivates you to act and your sun sign is how you express yourself to the world. Your ascendant and descending sign also offer insight into your personality.

While some astrologers will make predictions about the future, most modern ones are more focused on giving you insights into your current energy and how to navigate your path forward. The reason for this is that astrologers know that most of the information they share comes from psychology rather than divination, as there are so many variables at play in any one person’s chart.

If you are interested in a particular type of astrology reading, the good news is that there are a wide variety of services available online. You can get relationship astrology readings, electional astrology readings (which give you the best times to make important decisions), or even past-life regression astrology readings!

How can astrology readings help me?

Astrology readings can help you understand your past, present and future. They can provide insight into your relationships, career and family life. They can also offer guidance for personal growth and spiritual development. But, it is important to remember that astrology doesn’t predict the future. Just like any other pseudo-scientific treatment, astrology relies on the placebo effect. If you feel better after receiving a horoscope or an astrology reading, it is because you believe in it. The same principle applies to many other pseudo-scientific treatments like crystal healing and homeopathy.

Traditional Western astrology readings use your birth chart to understand the themes and cycles in your life. This can give you clarity and guidance on how to move forward with your life purpose. It can also help you make sense of your current situation and how to best work with any challenges you may be facing.

Vedic astrology readings are based on the ancient Indian scriptures called the Vedas. This system is similar to Western astrology readings but has a deeper spiritual connection. It also uses different elements than the Western system like fire, earth, water and air. Vedic astrology readings can be helpful for understanding your purpose, developing self-compassion and finding meaning in your life.

Composite astrology readings are used to see how you interact with others in your relationship, including siblings, friends and business partners. It looks at the natal charts of everyone involved in your relationships and how their planets interact with each other to help you find out what works well and what needs improvement in your partnerships.

Relationship astrology readings look at the natal charts of you and your partner, parents, or other significant people in your life to determine how well you communicate, support each other and bring out the best in each other. These readings can be very revealing and offer useful guidance on how to improve communication, spontaneity, romance and love in your relationships.

A year ahead astrology reading uses the movement of the planets and their placement in your natal chart to look at the energy you’ll be experiencing over the next 12 months. This type of astrology reading can be very helpful for preparing for any major decisions you’ll need to make and can be beneficial for entrepreneurs who want to prepare their businesses for what’s ahead.

Astrology reading is the study of the correlation between celestial bodies and a person's energy. Using your natal chart, a professional can offer interpretations about your personality and future. A natal chart weights signs by their elements and qualities. For example, if the cardinal signs (Aries, Cancer, Libra and Capricorn) dominate a chart, a person…